Co-operative Alternatives met the people behind “Challenging the Crisis”

‘Challenging the Crisis’ is a 3-year development education project led by IDEA with partners in 5 other countries. The European Commission is the main funder. The other Partners in the Project are: Fair Trade Hellas (Greece), CIPSI ‘Coordinamento di Iniziative Popolari di Solidarietà Internazionale’ (Italy), Fondazione Culturale Responsabilità Etica (Italy), Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (Portugal), SLOGA (Slovenia) and Fundación Economistas sin Fronteras (Spain). The project runs from April 2013 – April 2016.

Through the ‘Challenging the Crisis’ project, young adults from Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain are engaged and enabled to understand the interdependencies of local and global inequality and become active advocates on global justice issues. It aims to create awareness of and support for international sustainable development policies, despite austerity measures at home.

Eleftheria Papamichaili travelled from Dublin to take the recent Co-op Tour and spoke during the evening discussion on the Co-operative Convergence Festival. Reference was made to the enclosed thought provoking video .

For more information on the project and sign up to their campaign, please visit .