Free webinars – September – October 2021


Community Shares: what are they?

Wednesday 22ndSeptember 2021 – 12:00 – 13:30

A free training webinar on community shares for anyone interested in raising capital via a community share offer in Northern Ireland.

This online training is an essential for anyone who wants to understand what community shares are and how they can be used to involve your community, raise needed start-up of growth capital and leverage potential funding.

Practical local examples will be provided and the steps to complete a successful community share offer will be clearly set out.

Loan-stock offers for Co-operatives

Thursday 23rdSeptember 2021 – 12.00 – 13.00

A free Training webinar for anyone interested in raising funds through a loan-stock offer.

Co-operatives can raise funds via loanstock offers. Join this essential training and learn what you need to prepare for launching a successful loanstock offer.

Community Wealth Building and Co-operatives

Wednesday 6thOctober 2021 – 12.00 – 13.30

The development of more democratic forms of ownership of the economy such as co-operatives is central to Community Wealth Building. Join this free event. Community Wealth Building is establishing itself as an alternative and fairer approach to local economic development that is showing good outcomes in terms of reducing poverty, income inequality, enhancing local economic resilience and creating a low carbon and more democratic economy.

Discover Co-ops: Good To Grow

Thursday 21stOctober 2021 – 12.00 – 13.00

Come and meet Good To Grow, NI’s new horticultural co-op. Join us this lunch time to meet up with the founder members of a new co-operative: Good to Grow Co-op. This is a co-operative of horticulturalists who wants to make horticulture accessible and affordable to all.

Please note registration is required in advance of events to receive Zoom link.