All About Rebuilding Resilience on #CoopsDay
Join us on Thursday the 1stJuly from 10.00 to 1.00 to mark International Day of Co-operatives (#CoopsDay), this year celebrated with the theme of Rebuild Better Togetheracross Ireland. Co-operative Alternatives partnered with the Society of Co-operative Society Ireland, the Dublin Food Co-op, Co-operative Housing Ireland, Community Finance Ireland and Cork and Limerick Universities to prepare this event celebrating co-operation among co-operatives North and South of this island.
The aim of #CoopsDay is to increase awareness of co-operatives and promote the movement’s ideas of international solidarity, economic efficiency, equality and world peace. Since 1995, the ICA and the United Nations, have jointly supported the celebration of #CoopsDay.
Through #CoopsDay, local, national and global policymakers, civil society organisations and the public in general can learn about the contribution of co-operatives to a just future for all.
Annually co-operatives around the world showcase their success, but this year they will also embrace how they are continuing to address COVID-19 effects with a united approach showing both solidarity and resilience.
Supported and sustained by co-operative self-help values bringing about social responsibility and concern for community which in turn help reduce inequality, create shared prosperity while meeting the current impacts of COVID-19,
#CoopsDay is all about spreading the word and building momentum.
Register at Rebuild Better Together Conference 2021 – Dublin Food Co-op