Banking & Ethics – Why be Concerned about the Financial Services we use?
The financial sector of the economy claims that it provides financial services. But there is a question which is never asked which we ask in this second webinar on ethical finance, “To what extent do these services work for the common good?”
The financial sector of the economy claims that it provides financial services. But there is a question which is never asked: “What do these services provide for the common good?”
Many people use the services of these banks without thinking – or knowing about – these “dark sides”. The question is “Should one ask whether it is ethically appropriate to be a customer of a bank whose activities are threats to peace?”
There is room for hope. There are banks with decent principles; they are often not well known. The finance they provide contributes to the common good. We can shift the power of our own financial reserves and those of the institutions of civil society with which we are engaged to meet the real needs of these times.
With help from the Just Money Movement, Co-operative Alternatives, and a speaker on the theme of mutual banking our intention in these two (related) webinars is to emphasise the need for knowledge and the exercise of ethical judgement.
Tuesday 2 May from 7.00pm to 8.30
Facilitator: Tony Weekes.
Tuesday 25 April from 7.00pm to 8.30 – recording available at