Cultivating Community Farming – Jubilee workshop on Marketing and Tourism
An excellent day out was had with the Cultivating Community Farming groups attending a workshop on Marketing and Tourism by Portia Woods.
The Cultivating Community Farming is a programme of support for farmers and communities to develop their own ideas on how to use land, engage community and develop purpose-driven enterprises and co-ops.
In the photo: Declan and Sabrina from the Tenth Glen https://tenthglenhf.co.uk and Willow and Lore Willow and Lore Wild Glamping | Ballymena | Facebook , Alice from Sonas Co-op (17) Sonas Coop | Lisburn | Facebook and Portia Woods from Jubilee Farm Jubilee Farm – Jubilee – A Community-Owned Farm and Tiziana O’Hara. Photo credited to Raffaele Bianchi from (17) Azora Community Farm | Facebook