Co-operatives UK Community Shares Report

  Less than ten years ago, community shares were almost unheard of. Yet since 2012, £155 million has been raised by 104,203 people in the process saving and creating more… Read more

Season’s Greetings

Co-operative Alternatives wish all our members, supporters and co-operators a warm Christmas full of promise for 2021. See you all then!  

Coop Alternatives Webinar-Led Governance Advice Proves Successful

During November and December 2020 Co-op Alternatives in conjunction with the Belfast City Council, ran two successful series of free training webinars focusing on raising awareness of inspiring cooperatives on… Read more

Community-led Housing and Housing Co-operatives

The final webinar of the series ‘The Transformational Power of Co-operatives’  was on Tuesday the 24th from 12.00 to 14.00. The topic we discussed was housing. Community- led housing and… Read more

Co-operative Skills for everyone

We are delighted to announce a new Webinar series called ‘Co-operative Skills’ and open these webinars to anyone involved in co-ops or anyone thinking to set up their own co-op…. Read more

Caring Co-operatives: Co-operatives in Social Care

With the fourth webinar of the series ‘The Transformational Power of Co-operatives’, we are delighted to introduce to our audiences two excellent co-operatives that have transformed the way we can… Read more

Worker and Employee Owned Co-operatives – the Future of Work?

The concept of a worker owned co-operative is still unfamiliar. We often think about the standard management and labour structure. Times are changing, and now just might be the time… Read more

Saving and Generating Energy – The Co-operative Way

On the 6th October 2020, Co-operative Alternatives hosted a webinar entitled ‘Saving and Generating Energy – the Co-operative Way’. We invited Karen Arbuckle and Anne Ford, the respective Chairs of… Read more