Free Support
Support with Community Share offers can be accessed at the
Business Support for Co-operatives
Please apply online through the link above. This programme, formerly known as the HIVE, is supported by a partnership between Co-operatives UK and the Co-op Bank.
Co-operative Alternatives can help with each step along the way and if you want to discuss your needs, get in touch with our Community Share Practictioner on 07858 317 634.
The support can include:
- Introductions to other groups who have done something similar
- Developing/reviewing a business plan and financial forecasts
- Building an engagement strategy with your communities and potential social investors
- Help to legally register or convert to a Community Benefit Society
- Board mentoring and training
- Advice on governance
- Help to write your share offer document
- Feedback on best practice such as the Community Shares Compliance Mark.
Expert advice is available from a number of mentors including Tiziana O’Hara.
Tiziana O’Hara
Mobile: 07858317634
Email: tiziana@coopalternatives.coop
View Tiziana’s profile http://www.coopalternatives.coop/members/tiziana-ohara/